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Chuck  Roberts
Brotheer in Arms
141 Church Blvd Alsey ILL 62610 USA
Andy I carry your memory with me always because you are the reason I am here. This week is our week brother, and I have told many people you over the years. God blessed me when our paths crossed - there is a day coming when we will meet again
Nov 9, 2014

Rita  (Phillips) MacLean
Alderson WV 24910 USA
You've often come to mind over the years as a neighbor and classmate of my sister. Such a loss of a vibrant young life. Your sacrifice (and that of your family's) is appreciated more than you ever might have known. God Bless All who give selflessly in the fight for freedom!
Mar 15, 2010

Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ With Profound Gratitude ~

In Remembrance of your Sacrifice and with Profound Gratitude for your Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest in Peace, Cpl Andrew Starrett Pierce and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. My brother, Sgt. David Dickinson is a young hero, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam in 1967.....NEVER MY SOUL, STILL THE SONG, OF WOUNDED HEARTS, THEIR LOVED ONE GONE.....OF HIM WHO GAVE HIS LIFE, FOR ME.....THAT I MIGHT LIVE, IN LIBERTY.
Nov 7, 2009

Chuck  Roberts
Alsey IL 62610 usa
My lost brother
Andy,I have carried with me all of those feelings from long ago brother. Some how,with the passing of time I had forgotten your name but never your sacrifice for me. I have always known that you took my place that night. All of these years later I still remember the smile on your face. You seemed so much younger than me but we were the same age.One of these days we will sit down again and talk this all out.
Jun 4, 2008

Neil Sowards
548 Home Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46807 USA
Cousin, I appreciate your sacrifice for all of us.
We are putting together a family book of the descendents of I. E. Sowards. His daughter, Hazel Sowards, married Bo Pierce and one of their children was Andrew Pierce Sr. His only son was Andrew Starret Pierce, Jr. His sacrifice will be remembered in the Sowards family book. We have the freedom to work on this book because of him.
Jun 12, 2007

manny   g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!
May 24, 2007

Jerry Sleve
fellow soldier
He was a good soldier. The day he died was very sad for all of us who served with him. It seemed at the time that he was so young, too young for him to be gone. I just realized when I located his name on the web page that he was six months older than me at the time he died. It is truly amazing how much that war aged a person in a short time. I felt like I was much older and I had only been in the country for six weeks longer than Andy. I still miss him and I'm sorry for his family's loss.
Monday, July 28, 2003

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