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Thomas  Clark
Lake Central High School, 8400 Wicker Ave St. John Indiana 46373 United States
We need your help! Since 1986, the students of Lake Central, High School, in Northwest, Indiana, have been researching, the men and women, from the state of Indiana, who gave their lives, in the Vietnam War. We are the researchers, for the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam, War Memorials, located, in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Of the 1,621, Vietnam casualties, we have located, 1,165, families, as of the date, of this entry. We are seeking, any and all help, in locating the family, or his friends. If you have any information, that may help us, please contact us, at the following: Lake Central High School, Tom Clark, History Dept., 8400 Wicker Ave., St. John, Indiana, 46373 or email us, at:
Nov 8, 2011

Diana  Neal Dulaney
kissing cousin
1209 w 23rd Muncie In 47302 US
My dear cousin Butch
http://How many time I cried when they told me you were MIA.
Butch we were close cousins for so many years. YOu and your sisters cookie and Beverly. We lost track of every one. How sad it is I am proud they recovered your body and were put to rest. Today is vetrans day and I thought of you all day to find this web site. I am so thrilled and will call John L and Jack and tell them the news. You the reason we have our freedom and those like you I have three vetrans in my family. I will look for you son.. Love and Prayers Diana
Nov 11, 2010

Byron  Adams
Wayne, I was with you when you came down with malaria.You should not have been sent back. I tell people of you. I spoke to your son a few years ago to tell him how good a man you are. Byron Adams
Nov 9, 2009

Manuel Pino  B/2/8th Cav,1st Cav 68-69
mpjr54@msn. com
Fellow Army Vietnam Brother
D/3/8th Inf Rgt, 4th Inf Div

NOW SLEEP Peace has come. Now you can truly sleep,my son. The muddy field where you were laid Flag-draped, will now be green. Redbud and cherry blossoms can be seen Soon in bloom above your head. Arlington''''s Eternal Flame Flickers across granite rows To illuminate your name And then beneath it (with lightning''s calm) Strikes in black the word VIETNAM On your own stone. Peace has come. Your medals may turn green In time, like your beret But forever there are those who''ll say, ''I live because he cared he came!''
Jul 25, 2008

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Mar 5, 2007

Michael Boxer
served, with Wayne
47, Caswell Lane, Staten Island, NY., 10314, USA
Wayne, my friend, just stopping by to pay my respects, to you and let you know, that you are in my heart, everyday. Rest in peace, my brother.
Mar 5, 2007

Michael Boxer
Was with him, when he died
47, Caswell Lane, Staten Island, NY., 10314, USA
Wayne, It's 33, years, since you, have left us and it took me 31, years, to find your son Wayne Jr., in Orlando Florida. YES WAYNE, I FOUND HIM. He is doing well, a fireman/paramedic, so you can be very proud of him, as he is, of you. We have emailed, a few times and I also, have spoken to him, once. He is very hard to get a hold of, due, to his job. 33, Years ago, on HILL 947, you lost, your life and I have always had you, in my mind. Never forgotten and always remembered. Remember Stuart Halle, found him, John "Frenchy" Roy found him, Kennth Howe, found him. We all have sat together, 31, years later, at our first reunion, called, Delta 2000. You are a lifetime member, my friend. I miss you, very much. Photo's of you, I have and have shed tears, looking at them. They will be forwarded, to your son shortly. Rest in piece, my dear friend. SSG., Michael Boxer, Delta, Company, 3/8th, 4th, ID.
Saturday, March 02, 2002

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