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manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Feb 17, 2009

Garnet Jenkins
Grateful American
Grand Junction, Co.
In Remembrance
Remembering, this Young Soldier, on his birth date, with a Multitude, of Thanks, for his Courage, Service and Dedication, to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know, that you will, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I'am the sister, of such a young hero, who made the Supreme Sacrifice, in Vietnam, 1967.... They shall, grow not old, as we that are left, grow old. age shall, not weary them, nor, the years condemn. At the going down, of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. "For the Fallen" September 1914 ~ R.L. Binyon~
Feb 17, 2007

Gil Barner
By name
475, Pine Forest Drive, Siler City, NC., 27344, USA
I didn't, know Larry. My relationship, to him is by name and none other, that I know. Many Barners come, from Pennsylvania and many, from around the Barner, Lutheran Church, in a small valley. I simply, want Larry and his family to know, that I'm proud, of him - sorry, that he, died so young - and proud, to have the same, name. Gil Barner
Saturday, June 03, 2000

Kimberly Kimmel-Ober
Encinitas, California, United States, of America
For PFC/E-3, Larry Barner AND all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you did not have to pay, so, high a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes!
Sunday, February 17, 2002

Ray Gonzales
Fellow, Soldier & War Vet.
In Memory, of Those Who, Never Came Home
My heartfelt condolences, to those who, knew & loved, this young patriot. Sorry, he died, so young. I was also a member, of the illustrious, 1st, Cavalry Division. (Oct., 66-Oct., 67) I came home, from the war, feeling empty & hurting, for those who, would never return. I began, soul-searching & in 1973, I had, a genuine encounter with God, that changed my life. I found Jesus Christ, as my Savior. He healed, my heart & gave me peace. Jesus died on the Cross, to give us, life. His life! Read Psalm 34 & call upon the Lord, while He may be found. May, God comfort you, as you seek Him. Respectfully, Pastor Ray Gonzales
Monday, February 17, 2003

mark kapinos
rest well my cav brother
Monday, February 17, 2003

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